I remember as a young girl being taught and singing that old song, Count Your Blessings. My favorite line in the song was and still is, "Name them one by one." I love this line because it forces us to look at the list of all the incredible things we have in our lives. So many times, the bad and hard become our focus, and they outweigh all the good we still have.
For this reason, I am one of those individuals who refuses to bypass Thanksgiving. This holiday gives cause to pause and reflect on the many things to be grateful for. I am personally not going to wait until Thanksgiving Day to begin counting my blessings. November is here, and THuS Marketing will begin calculating today.
We have been privileged to serve several nonprofit clients in our short existence. In less than two years, we have taken part in Giving Tuesday campaigns, podcast strategy development, Ultrasound Awareness Month content planning, website redesign projects geared towards donors and charities, rebranding launch, and the list goes on.
I realized that this Thanksgiving, one of the various things to be thankful for is the opportunity to work with our nonprofit community. Fifteen years ago, I tripped into the world of being in business, not for a profit, but to achieve a mission. Let me tell you. I never looked back. There are hundreds of reasons why, but I'll only highlight a few.
What would we do without our nonprofit friends who strive daily to make our world better?
Nonprofits are founded on a global movement to meet the needs of trade and human interests. In our complex world, there are so many niche areas that require attention. Social good organizations step-up to focus their missions on providing solutions to these special needs. Thank you!
Nonprofits build bridges in a divided world.
We live in a society polarized by personal opinion and political policy. Supported by news and pop culture, much of our world is hyper-focused on what makes us all different. Nonprofits bring to light our likeness. They form the links needed for people to come together and join hands for the betterment of our communities. The many missions this industry represents is something that touches us all at the core and gives us reasons to agree. Thank you!
This sector's purpose is founded on genuine truth.
While capitalism fuels the requirement of earnings in our world, the for-profit industry can, at times, get lost in the bottom line. Nonprofits are established with something more eminent in mind. Reform, transformation, improvement, and growth motivates them, which creates their foundation of transparency and authenticity. Thank you!
Nonprofits give employees a higher purpose.
We all crave to be fulfilled by our jobs. Many of us desire to do more than just collect a paycheck. People who work for nonprofits have the best of both worlds! They selflessly inspire change in their communities through their professional lives. Unafraid of standing up for what is right, their careers allow them to be the heroes to the unheard voices of our time. Nonprofits create a space for people to work for the common good of humankind. Thank you!
They promote positivity in our culture.
With our news media often emphasizing what's going wrong in our world, nonprofits bring positivity to our seemingly downtrodden culture of disagreement. They spread joy and hope in fulfilling their inspiring missions. In the face of negative news, these organizations encourage us to believe in a better tomorrow for industries, health, generations, societies, environments, and all living creatures, big and small. Thank You!
We could keep counting. The contributions of the good-doers in our world are endless and at times, overlooked. Today, we count each and every one of you a blessing. Thank you for the work that you do and allowing THuS to come alongside you.