Communications Assessment + Research
There are several ways to engage stakeholders and partners. The content channels and vehicles available are infinite, creating an even greater need to assess the best and most impactful methods for any given organization and its audience. How to say it, where to say it, when to say it, and what to say and who to say it to all must be considered when tackling content. THuS Marketing considers the following in the communications assessment and research process based on your goals:
Audience + Stakeholder Research
Communications Audit + Inventory
Situation + Program Analysis
Analytics + Performance Review
Market + Industry Research
Communications Goals Established + Assessed

Communications Strategy Deliverables
For a communications strategy to be effective and achieve its intended impact, the organization's team must understand all factors affecting communications efforts. THuS Marketing's communications deliverables address these factors to form a solid and firm strategy foundation used to guide all communications initiatives deployed today and in the future. Examples of a few deliverables our team provides: